For those with hair loss…I didn’t think it would be so good

The most self-conscious thing is the hair.
I tried a medicine from fb (2,3)
It becomes obvious when I apply it repeatedly.

Split hair, hair loss, hair loss, hair not growing back from a scar, hair growing back and growing dark, strong and long, I would like to share with you, my beloved “fri, the remedy that I personally use….
First, find 2 or 3 pieces of aloe vera and cut both sides

Cut into four pieces.

Heat pure coconut oil (10) on the stove
Aloe vera blocks that were cut earlier
add and stir (fry)

Aloe has changed to a yellow color
If so, just take the oil with a filter.
Crush 2 (2) red onions or
Grind with a belender and squeeze the liquid with a small water filter or white cloth and add it to the oil that has just cooled down.
Add onion liquid.

Before showering, massage the scalp gently and apply it.
Leave on for 20 minutes and wash your hair.
Once your hair is dry, your hair will feel soft and unique.
(2) (3) just doing it, the hair becomes very thick again, hair loss, split ends, baldness, and black (black) hair instead of white hair.
It becomes obvious.

Please try it… It’s very good Sabai Phyu, I’m sharing it with my dear friends…

Oh… Python oil (10) and red onion (2).
Mix oil and onion together…
If the liquid gets too much, it will smell and turn into water and oil, so it’s best to test and mix it before warning….

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